FEAST has many built in powerful tools for working with your application. These tools range from file generation to running jobs to setting maintenance mode. Below is a list of all the tools, their options, and their usage.
The feast:create
CLI group allows you to easily create many different types of classes automatically. This saves time
on both file creation and bug fixing. When you install FEAST, predefined templates are stored in bin/templates
. You
may modify these templates for any custom boilerplate code.
php famine feast:create:action --type={(get-post-put-delete-patch)} --module={module} --noview={true|false} {controller} {action}
The feast:create:action
command allows you to create a Controller/Action/View file in a single command. The controller
name must be a valid class name. If a module is passed in, the module must be a valid namespace (match against valid
class names).
The action can be passed in with dashes in all lowercase or with camelcase. The following naming rules will be applied:
- View file name: the action name with a dash between words and all lowercase.
- Action method: the action name in camelcase concatenated with the HTTP verb.
- Default URL: /controllername/action-name
If a module is passed in, the url will be prefixed with /modulename
Controller name: TestIng
Action name: sunny-day
Module: Welcome
HTTP verb: get
Controller class: /Modules/Welcome/Controllers/TestIngcontroller
Action method: sunnyDayGet
View file: /Modules/Welcome/Views/TestIng/sunny-day.phtml
url: /welcome/testIng/sunny-day
Controller name: TestIng
Action name: sunny-day
Module: {null}
HTTP verb: post
Controller class: /Controllers/TestIngcontroller
Action method: sunnyDayPost
View file: /Views/TestIng/sunny-day.phtml
url: /testIng/sunny-day
php famine feast:create:cli-action {controller} {action}
The feast:create:cli-action
is a shortcut for feast:create:action --module=CLI --noview=true --type=get
feast:create:action for more info.
php famine feast:create:cron-job {name}
Create a Cron Job class at /Jobs/Cron/{name}
. The name must be a valid PHP classname. This cron job can be scheduled
in the file scheduled_jobs.php
php famine feast:create:form {name}
Create a Form class at /Form/{name}
. The name must be a valid PHP classname. See Forms for more
php famine feast:create:form-filter {name}
Create a Form Filter class at /Form/Filter/{name}
. The name must be a valid PHP classname.
Form Filters allow you to modify incoming input on forms. Several built in filters are provided in /Feast/Form/Filter
See Forms for more information.
php famine feast:create:form-validator {name}
Create a Form Validator class at /Form/Validator/{name}
. The name must be a valid PHP classname.
Form Validators allow you to validate incoming input on forms. Several built in validators are provided
in /Feast/Form/Validator
See Forms for more information.
php famine feast:create:model --connection={connection} --model={model} --overwrite={true|false} {table-name}
Create a Model and corresponding mapper via database introspection. Three classes are created.
- This class extends fromFeast\BaseModel
and contains all the properties from the database and should not be modified directly. -
- This class extends from the generated model. Any custom logic should go here, and will not be overwritten even if the table is re-inspected. -
- This class extends fromFeast\BaseMapper
and contains Primary Key and database connection information to allow simple dynamic SQL through the FEAST Query engine.
If a model name is not passed in, the table name becomes the base name of the model class. By default, the Default
connection is used.
If overwrite is not explicitly set to true, and the Mapper exists, it will not be overwritten. The generated model will always be overwritten. The extended model will never be overwritten.
See Working with Databases for more information.
php famine feast:create:plugin {name}
Create a Plugin class at /Plugins
. The name must be a valid PHP classname.
Plugins allow writing Pre and post dispatch hooks. See Plugins for more information.
php famine feast:create:queueable-job {name}
Create a Queueable Job class at /Jobs/Queueable/{name}
. The name must be a valid PHP classname. These jobs can be
queued and run on a queue worker. See Queues for more information.
php famine feast:create:service {name}
Create a Service class at /Services/{name}
. The name must be a valid PHP classname. Service classes allow working with
HTTP requests in a simple, object-oriented manner. See Services for more information.
php famine feast:create:feature-flag {name}
Create a FeatureFlag class at /FeatureFlags/{name}
. The name must be a valid PHP classname. Feature flags allow
enabling or disabling functionality quickly and easily. See Feature Flags for more
The feast:migration
CLI group allows you to work with database migrations. These migrations allow for consistent
databases both across environments and across deployments.
php famine feast:migration:create --file={file-suffix} migration-name
Create a Migration file. The file will begin with Migration
followed by a generated sequential number, followed by
either your supplied file suffix or a random string. See Working with Migrations
for more information.
php famine feast:migration:up {name}
Run the specified migration. The name includes the numeric prefix but does not include migration
. For example, to
run migration1_migrations.php
, the command is php famine feast:migration:up 1_migrations
See Working with Migrations for more information.
php famine feast:migration:down {name}
Reverse the specified migration. The name includes the numeric prefix but does not include migration
. For example, to
run migration1_migrations.php
, the command is php famine feast:migration:down 1_migrations
. To reverse a migration,
the migration must define the correct behavior in the down
See Working with Migrations for more information.
php famine feast:migration:run-all
Run all un-ran migrations up. This includes migrations that the down
command has explicitly been called on.
See Working with Migrations for more information.
php famine feast:migration:list
Print a list of all migrations and whether they have been ran.
The feast:cache
CLI group allows caching certain configuration details to speed up requests by reducing
pre-processing. Currently, config, routing, and basic database introspection information are supported.
It is strongly encouraged to use the cache in production but not required in development.
php famine feast:cache:cache-all
This command will cache all available data. This will cache the config, the routing and the database all at once.
php famine feast:cache:clear-all
This command will clear all cache data. This will clear the config, the routing and the database all at once.
php famine feast:cache:config-clear
This command will delete the config cache and resume building on each request.
php famine feast:cache:config-generate
This command will re-generate the config cache. No changes to the configuration files will take effect unless the cache is cleared or re-generated again.
php famine feast:cache:router-clear
This command will delete the routing cache and resume building on each request.
php famine feast:cache:router-generate
This command will re-generate the routing cache. No changes to the URL routing information will take effect unless the cache is cleared or re-generated again.
php famine feast:cache:dbinfo-clear
This command will delete the database info cache, instead enabling table introspection on each request.
php famine feast:cache:dbinfo-generate
This command will re-generate the database info cache. No changes to the database schema will be detected unless the cache is cleared or regenerated again. If you run any migrations, you MUST regenerate if using the cache.
FEAST comes with several built in templates that are used to generate code. These files are not installed by default,
but are available to the CLI tool at all times. If you wish to modify any of the templates, you should first install
them, rather than editing directly. The feast:template
group allows installation of the built in template files FEAST
uses with the feast:create and feast:migration:create. The following actions
are available.
php famine feast:template:install-action
This command installs the action
template file to bin/templates/Action.php.txt
php famine feast:template:install-cli-action
This command installs the cliAction
template file to bin/templates/CliAction.php.txt
php famine feast:template:install-controller
This command installs the controller
template file to bin/templates/Controller.php.txt
php famine feast:template:install-cron-job
This command installs the cronJob
template file to bin/templates/CronJob.php.txt
php famine feast:template:install-filter
This command installs the filter
template file to bin/templates/Filter.php.txt
php famine feast:template:install-form
This command installs the form
template file to bin/templates/Form.php.txt
php famine feast:template:install-mapper
This command installs the mapper
template file to bin/templates/Mapper.php.txt
php famine feast:template:install-migration
This command installs the migration
template file to bin/templates/Migration.php.txt
php famine feast:template:install-model
This command installs the model
template file to bin/templates/Model.php.txt
php famine feast:template:install-action
This command installs the modelGenerated
template file to bin/templates/ModelGenerated.php.txt
php famine feast:template:install-plugin
This command installs the plugin
template file to bin/templates/Plugin.php.txt
php famine feast:template:install-queueable-job
This command installs the queueableJob
template file to bin/templates/QueueableJob.php.txt
php famine feast:template:install-service
This command installs the service
template file to bin/templates/Service.php.txt
php famine feast:template:install-validator
This command installs the action
template file to bin/templates/Action.php.txt
php famine feast:template:install-all
This command installs all template files.
The feast:job
group allows interacting with both scheduled (or cron) jobs and queueable jobs.
php famine feast:job:listen --keepalive={true|false} --wait={seconds-to-wait} {queues}
Listen for available jobs on the specified queues. Queues are separated by the pipe character. Keep Alive defaults to true. If no jobs are available, the worker will sleep for the specified number of seconds passed to wait (default: 10) before checking again. All jobs are processed by the worker in a first-in, first-out manner. If a job fails, it is placed back into the queue and retried up to the maximum number of tries.
php famine feast:job:run-one {job}
Manually run the specified job by Job ID. The job will re-run even if the maximum try count has been reached. This allows debugging a job manually to look for what errors occurred.
php famine feast:job:run-cron
Run all scheduled job items. See Queues for more information.
php famine feast:job:run-cron-item {job}
Run the specified job item. The job will run even if it is not inside its assigned schedule.
See Queues for more information.
The feast:maintenance
CLI group allows taking your website offline quickly in the event of needed maintenance.
php famine feast:maintenance:start
Start maintenance mode. CLI tools will still work, but scheduled jobs will be halted and cron jobs will only run if
has been specified for the job. The Maintenance view will generate a static file that will be
served to all requests.
php famine feast:maintenance:stop
Stop maintenance mode. Scheduled jobs and cron jobs will resume, and the maintenance static file will be replaced with a javascript based redirect to the home page.
php famine feast:serve:serve --hostname={hostname} --port={port-number} --workers={worker-count}
Run PHP's built-in development server. By default, listens on localhost, port 8000, with a single worker.
php famine help {command}
View usage info and parameter information for a command.
Powered by FEAST Framework
See this project at