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FEAST Framework

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Scheduled Jobs

FEAST includes the ability to run scheduled jobs without having to manage a system scheduler/cron task (besides the scheduled runner). This utility provides a very powerful and flexible way to run re-occuring tasks.

To enable the Job runner, add feast:job:run-cron to your system's task scheduler to run every minute.

On Linux, add the following to your crontab, replacing [project_root] with the path to your project. (with crontab -e)

* * * * * cd [project_root] && php famine feast:job:run-cron >> /dev/null 2>&1

Creating a Scheduled Job

To create a scheduled job, first extend the Feast\Jobs\CronJob class. You may override any of the properties directly if you do not need flexible scheduling, or you may use the long list of helper methods below.

Once you have created your job class, you may add it to scheduled_jobs.php. Some samples are included commented out to assist you.

Your job class must contain a run method. This method is called when all the scheduling criteria is met.


Environmental criteria

  1. environment - This method sets the environment to run on. If not called or overridden, defaults to production.
  2. withoutOverlapping - This method prevents the job from running concurrently to the same job. It takes an optional timeout parameter. The default timeout for being considered as "running" is 1440 minutes (or 1 full day).
  3. when - This method takes a criteria expression that evaluates to either true or false. If this evaluates to false, the job will not run.
  4. evenInMaintenanceMode - If this method is not called and runInMaintenanceMode is not true, then when the Application is in maintenance mode, the job will not run.
  5. timezone - Specify the timezone for all cron rules to be compared against.
  6. runInBackground - If this method is called and you are on a Linux/Unix system, the job will run in the background. Otherwise, all scheduled jobs for the current minute will run sequentially.

Time criteria

The methods in the time criteria are mostly self-explanatory, but more details are provided below when needed. The criteria baseline defaults to every minute. Time criteria methods may be chained for more granularity.

  1. cron - Takes a cron string as an argument.

Minute based

  1. everyMinute
  2. everyOddMinute
  3. everyTwoMinutes - Opposite of everyOddMinute
  4. everyThreeMinutes
  5. everyFourMinutes
  6. everyFiveMinutes
  7. everyTenMinutes
  8. everyFifteenMinutes
  9. everyTwentyMinutes
  10. everyThirtyMinutes

Hour based

  1. hourly - Every hour on the hour (unless the minute has been set already)
  2. hourlyAt - Takes a minute parameter. Runs every hour at that minute only.
  3. hourlyOnOddHours
  4. everyTwoHours
  5. everyThreeHours
  6. everyFourHours
  7. everySixHours
  8. everyEightHours
  9. everyTwelveHours

Day based

  1. daily - Once a day. Defaults to 0:00 (or 12:00am) unless the hour or minute have been set already.
  2. dailyAt - Once a day at the specified time (24-hour format. Example: 23:45).
  3. twiceDaily - Twice a day at the specified hours (on the hour, unless the minute has been explicitly set)

Week based

  1. weekly - Once a week on Sunday. Defaults to 0:00 (or 12:00am) unless the hour or minute have been set already.
  2. weeklyOn - Once a week on the specified day (0 and 7 = Sunday, 6 = Saturday) at an optional specified time (24-hour format. Example: 23:45).

Day of week based

  1. weekdays
  2. weekends
  3. sundays
  4. mondays
  5. tuesdays
  6. wednesdays
  7. thursdays
  8. fridays
  9. saturdays
  10. days - This method takes an array of numbers 0-7. 0 and 7 are Sunday, 6 = Saturday.

Month based

  1. monthly - Once a month on the first of the month. Defaults to 0:00 (or 12:00am) unless the hour or minute have been set already.
  2. monthlyOn - Once a month on the specified day of the month at an optional specified time (24-hour format. Example: 23:45). Note: if the chosen day does not exist in the current month, it will be skipped.
  3. twiceMonthly - Twice a month on the specified days at an optional specified time (24-hour format. Example: 23:45).

Large Format

  1. quarterly - Once per quarter (Jan, April, Jul, and October) on the 1st of the month at Midnight. If the day of the month, hour, or day have been set, the chosen values are kept.
  2. yearly - Once per year in January. Defaults to the 1st at midnight. If the day of the month, hour, or day have been set, the chosen values are kept.
  3. yearlyOn - Once per year on the specified day of the specified month (at an optional time). Defaults to 0:00 (or 12:00am) unless the hour or minute have been set already.

Time filters

  1. between - Takes a start and end time in hour:minute format. The job will not run if the current time is not within this range.
  2. unlessBetween - Takes a start and end time in hour:minute format. The job will not run if the current time is within this range.


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